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  • 4 Reasons Why Staging a Vacant Home is Critical

    4 Reasons Why Staging a Vacant Home is Critical

    When you see before-and-after photos of spaces not staged versus staged, it’s easy to quickly become a believer in home staging! Vacant spaces, in particular, absolutely need to be staged for these 4 HUGE reasons… 1. An empty room EASILY SHOWS its flaws. No room is perfect and empty ones especially are like walking around…

  • Choosing Paint Colors: Why So Hard?

    Choosing Paint Colors: Why So Hard?

    You love color, but the idea of being left to choose paint for an accent wall, a whole room – or worse, your entire house – seems like a daunting task. It’s true – one of the toughest things to do is when it comes to renovating your home is selecting a paint color. Perhaps…

  • Let’s Get Real – Real Estate Observations

    Let’s Get Real – Real Estate Observations

    Here’s the scoop… After having photographed around 800 homes, I can tell you 7 statistics: 1. Homes with Deep Yellow Family Rooms and Red Dining Rooms sell the slowest. This is because people tend to only see those colors when looking for their new home and even though they can paint another color easily, not…